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Opening address by Jerene Ang, Deputy Editor, Human Resources Online
- Defining and determining the three pillars – financial, physical and mental wellnesses of holistic wellness programmes.
- How does each of these three pillars work in tandem to one another to support a happier and healthier workforce?
- Identifying innovative means to develop different branches of holistic wellness on a budget.
- Financial distress affects emotional and physical wellbeing which results in poorer performance and productivity in the workplace.
- How do we encourage employees to take the initiative and be responsible for their personal financial wellbeing?
- Reduce absenteeism and improve productivity by aiding your employees in gaining control over their financial health.
- How do you help your employees cope with stress in this VUCA world?
- Developing innovative strategies to help employees cope with workplace pressures.
- How do we incorporate mental healthcare in the workplace to help reduce presenteeism and reduce productivity loss?
- What exactly is telemedicine and what are the benefits of incorporating it into our wellbeing initiatives?
- How is telemedicine revolutionising the healthcare industry and what benefits do they bring to the organisation?
- Understanding the benefits of telemedicine in terms of cost and convenience cost.
- Understanding how different departments in your organisation view employee healthcare in times of budget cuts.
- How do you better synchronise your workforce through a holistic employee wellbeing programme?
- How do you correlate this to the company’s business agenda and what are the best ways of implementing an encompassing healthcare programme?
Closing remarks by Jerene Ang, Deputy Editor, Human Resources Online
A slowing economy usually leads to costs being cut – and the first to be affected are often healthcare and wellness schemes for employees. Hence, it is essential the healthcare provision is balanced between the slowing economy, price and competitive benefits.
- Providing adequate healthcare for employees with a long-term sustainability framework.
- Cost-savings while maintaining a competitive and comprehensive healthcare plan.
- Future prospects in the healthcare sphere with the current economy.
The ageing population in Singapore, coupled with a growing number of Gen Y employees, is proving to be a challenge to manage. The two different generations have increasingly different expectations of healthcare and wellness in the workforce.
- Specific challenges that come with managing a demographic-diverse workforce.
- Innovations in healthcare and wellness programmes that have mass appeal, and have proven to be cost-effective.
- Strategies to curate a multi-demographic wellness and healthcare programme that appeals to both Gen Y and mature employees.
- The mature workforce and the gig economy.
Building a strong healthcare and wellness company culture leads to fostering employee engagement resulting in higher productivity and greater profitability. Recognising the important role that employers play in building a healthy and happy workforce – why does the attitude and active intervention of employers matter?
- Understanding the relationship between cultural norms and health.
- Examples of employees stepping up to take charge of their own health.
- Creating an organisational culture that promotes personal health and wellbeing – practical steps and strategies.
Implementing an integrated health and wellness strategy through connected technologies helps increase market competitiveness and differentiation while driving up employee wellbeing and reducing workplace stress.
- Building an efficient healthcare and wellness framework.
- Explore the role of wearable technologies, IOT, social media and remote diagnostics in building an integrated healthcare and wellness strategy.
- With the PDPA act in place, how does this affect the healthcare industry and also data collection.
- Advantages of a conducive working environment.
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