
DAY 1 | 24 JULY 2024

DAY 2 | 25 JULY 2024




Welcome Remarks

Aditi Sharma Kalra

Aditi Sharma Kalra


Human Resources Online



[Opening keynote]

The power of total rewards: Driving business strategy & growth

In order to attract and retain high-quality staff, it is important to have a broad total rewards package that is cost effective, yet which does not come across as impersonal or transactional.

In this keynote session, we analyse:

  • The challenges of tailoring employee benefit programmes to meet the diverse needs of a modern workforce, considering demographics such as age, job role, and cultural differences.
  • Approaches to incorporate an individual and tailored approach to benefits, with the aim of supporting talent retention.
  • Strategies for organisations to measure the return on investment (ROI) of their employee benefit programmes, as well as fitment to business goals.


Edalyn “Lyn” D. Hadjula-Legarde

Edalyn “Lyn” D. Hadjula-Legarde

People & Culture Director

Dutch Lady Milk Malaysia, a company by Friesland Campina


[Panel discussion]
Aligning pay transparency with benchmarking: Maintaining equity in a hybrid work environment

No talent or organisation wants to be part of a wage war which leaves both parties with less room to negotiate or have a conversation. What today’s society does need is leaders who are sensitive to individual needs and circumstances. This is more so in Asia, where the concept of ‘pay transparency’ is layered with gender advocacy, cultural norms, and mindsets.

This conversation will aim to provide insights into:

  • Aligning the necessity for establishing company-wide awareness and knowledge standards on pay transparency in a way that matches the organisational culture & cultural norms of the place of operations.
  • How to put a dollar value against the skills & experiences of each employee to assess human capital better.
  • Analysing the approaches to make data-driven compensation benchmarking decisions rather than relying on unfair and outdated practices.
  • Setting up accessible yet centralised communication channels that provide clear opportunities for recognition to all employees, regardless of hybrid/in-person setups.


Poh Yee Nee

Poh Yee Nee

Head of People


Iswadi Zainuddin

Iswadi Zainuddin

Head of Total Rewards

Gentari Group
Khairul Syafiqah binti Mokhtar

Khairul Syafiqah binti Mokhtar

Executive Director of People & Admin

Gobi Partners
Adzlan Zakaria

Adzlan Zakaria

Head, Group Performance & Rewards Management

FGV Holdings


Morning coffee break


[Lightning talks]
Global vision, local precision: Mastering cultural readiness for glocalisation of rewards strategies

Effective “glocalisation” of rewards requires more than just surface-level adjustments; it demands a deep understanding and readiness to navigate the intricate tapestry of local cultures, norms, societal expectations, and employee expectations.

In this session, two leaders take the stage to converse about:

  • Cultural factors, such as local business practices and ways of rewarding, that need to be accounted for when setting up an international office in Malaysia or a new region.
  • Strategies to design rewards systems that acknowledge and respect cultural differences while promoting organisational objectives.
  • How to make a business case for glocalised rewards strategies to senior stakeholders, to come up with a framework that incorporates flexibility, responsiveness, and local sensitivity.


Chan Zhan Kin

Chan Zhan Kin

Director, Human Resources & Administration

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
Thamayenthi Narayan

Thamayenthi Narayan

Director, Country Human Resources

DKSH Malaysia 


[Case study]
Revolutionising the payday: Unlocking systemic change through the ‘earned wage access’ model

About three-quarters of Malaysian youngsters are in debt. Alarmed by an increasing population of low-income and daily wage earners, organisations with progressive mindsets have started to take initiatives to alleviate the financial burdens of their employees by redefining the ‘once-a-month’ payday norm.

In this insight-packed session, let’s understand:

  • The adverse effects of financial instability on the workforce, in terms of productivity, behaviours, turnover, and engagement.
  • The concept of ‘earned wage access’: Understanding the merits & risks of using flexible payroll by providing an early payout for money already earned.
  • Aligning earned wage access to organisational priorities such as ESG interventions.
  • Financial literacy principles to empower the workforce to address their cash flow challenges and reduce reliance on predatory lending services.
Billy Lim

Billy Lim

Chief Strategy Officer



Networking Lunch


[Networking session]
Reward yourself
Straight after lunch, let’s get refreshed through this facilitated networking session designed to re-energise you as well as expand your professional network. Don’t miss this opportunity to build relationships and gain perspectives from your peers!


[Panel discussion]
Empowerment through knowledge: Employee literacy as a catalyst of wellness

One of the most important ways to improve employee satisfaction from rewards to ensure they understand what they are getting. Rewards frameworks that are overly complicated run the risk of being underappreciated and underutilised. Those who attend this panel can look forward to discussions on:

  • Strategies to ensure a clear and accessible rewards communication strategy, across all levels of the organisation.
  • How to instil financial and digital literacies, stress management skills, cultural and diversity awareness, and more in employees to create a more work-ready talent pool.
  • Equipping employees with critical-thinking and problem-solving skills such that they will be able to adeptly handle adversity and maintain their well-being during times of change or uncertainty in the future.


Jordan Chong

Jordan Chong


Debica Sigamani

Debica Sigamani

Chief Talent Officer

IPG Mediabrands

Zaiem Meah

Zaiem Meah

Human Resources Director

Lam Research International

Rayyan Irwan

Rayyan Irwan

Head of Strategic HR

Bank Muamalat



[Leadership exchange]
Rewards as a leverage of talent attraction and retention: The new rules of employee loyalty

Gone are the days where retention bonuses or matching the competitor’s salary package were the #1 ways to attract and retain talent. With a more purpose-driven workforce in place, many have stopped linking their job with money, but rather with ‘value’ – the value they generate for themselves, their families, and the society.

As such, rewards & recognition have been elevated for their contribution in engaging talent. In this session, facilitated by an experienced HR leader, let’s come around and identify:

How the composition of the rewards & recognition package has evolved to include career development, regular performance alignment, talent exchange programmes, and upskilling.

Best practices for aligning employer branding efforts with the cultural and business values of each organisation.

Creating a strong communication loop that ensures open & timely feedback, avenues for appreciation, and project-based developmental opportunities.

Muntaha Mussarat

Muntaha Mussarat

Head of HR – East Asia

SLB (previously known as Schlumberger)


Afternoon Tea Break


[Leadership Exchange]

Reviewing performance management evaluations: Creating a simplified narrative for employees’ career development 

From once-a-year performance evaluations to quarterly conversations, and now weekly check-ins, managing performance has gotten snappier and more current. Has performance-based compensation kept up with these developments?

This case study will appeal to attendees seeking insights into:

  • As organisations transition from traditional models to ongoing feedback mechanisms, how can we better align performance assessments with real-time goals and employee growth trajectories?
  • Ways to empower employees with actionable insights and clarity by simplifying the process of performance management evaluations and the linkage with rewards.
  • Integrating the values of timely feedback and coaching into compensation discussions, such that people managers can foster a greater sense of direction and purpose among employees.
Rashidin Omar

Rashidin Omar

Assistant General Manager, Rewards & Performance Management

Telekom Malaysia


[Lightning talks]
Upskilling as the most in-demand benefit: The percolation of skills-powered rewards programmes 

As we emerge from a wintery economic climate that entailed restructuring across various sectors, what the workforce wants is to future-proof themselves so as to escape any further jolts. This, in addition to intrinsic motivation, is creating a demand for professional development opportunities among workers.

Stay tuned as two speakers take the stage in quick succession to discussion their philosophies around:

  • The means to implement skills-based talent approaches, such as building a skills inventory, redesigning job descriptions, aligning KPIs, and defining success metrics.
  • How leaders can overcome challenges around skills-based rewards, including data silos, mismatch around skills classifications, and differing managerial expectations.
  • Strategies to create a talent pool with specialised and niche skills by cultivating high-impact digital and human skills in the existing workforce.
  • Determining the frequency of conducting skills-based assessments and using this data to relook at job modelling and job evaluation models.
  • How organisations can leverage technology to provide flexible, accessible, and personalised learning experiences for employees of all ages and backgrounds.
Adzlan Zakaria

Adzlan Zakaria

Head, Group Performance & Rewards Management

FGV Holdings
Marwan ElGamal

Marwan ElGamal

Group Head of People and Culture



Closing Remarks

Aditi Sharma Kalra

Aditi Sharma Kalra


Human Resources Online


End of day one

DAY 2 | 25 JULY 2024




Welcome Remarks

Aditi Sharma Kalra

Aditi Sharma Kalra


Human Resources Online



[Thought leadership keynote]
The psychology of rewards: Peeling back the layers on employee motivation and incentivisation

There is a complex interplay between workforce motivation and the psychological perspective of rewarding employees. While we agree on the importance of nailing one’s values & drivers to reward them in a way they find truly ‘meaningful’, other workplace challenges remain.

In this special session, attendees can deepen their understanding of the psychological nuances of motivation, such as:

  • The evolution in human behaviour across generations, and how this has impacted organisational dynamics.
  • The psychological implications of recognising and rewarding high-performing talent, and how this affects perceptions of equity and increased performance expectations among employees.
  • How leaders & people managers can navigate the delicate balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in fostering employee engagement.
  • Strategies for incentivising psychological resilience, agility, and a high level of adaptability to change.
Sharmeel Kaur

Sharmeel Kaur

Vice President, People & Culture

Volvo Group


[Fireside chat]
Legal clinic: Anticipating future implications of Malaysia’s pilot Progressive Wage Policy implementation

In light of Malaysia’s economic structural challenges, the Progressive Wage Policy pilot aims to achieve the twin goals of increasing the salary of employees whilst simultaneously increasing their productivity levels.

The insights shared in this legal-themed session will include: 

  • Preparing organisations for increased cost and wage bill implications.
  • How salary increases must go hand-in-hand with the increase in skill level and productivity of workers, and how this promotes fair compensation practices.
  • Strategies to ensure organisational readiness for upcoming changes, and the gradual cultural shifts that can be adopted.
  • How changing demands and the integration of technologies may affect the perceived level of labour in an industry.


Aditi Sharma Kalra

Aditi Sharma Kalra


Human Resources Online

Amardeep Singh Toor

Amardeep Singh Toor




Morning coffee break


[Panel discussion]
Restructuring the EVP: Incorporating rewards valued by Gen Z and Millennial employees

Fuelled by a ‘passion-driven’ workforce, where job security is no longer the primary focus, but doing meaningful work is, understanding the aspirations of generational demographics remains paramount. In this panel discussion, you can look forward to the panellists & moderator analysing: 

  • EVP refresh: How employers are rethinking job scopes, total rewards, and redefining the concept of ‘careers’ to win the talent war.
  • Ways to ‘slay’ talent practices for the youngest working generations in light of their technology dependence and savviness.
  • ‘Squad goals’: Multi-generation workforce management approaches that create a workplace driven by respect, inclusivity, and harmony.
  • Is there an opportunity for HR leaders to incorporate a ‘green budget’ in helping employees living sustainable lifestyles?


Sunny Sharma

Sunny Sharma

Director of People & Culture, Malaysia

Philip Morris International
Nur Izzati

Nur Izzati

Head of Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding

Shopper 360 Group
Lai Tak Ming

Lai Tak Ming

Executive Director and Country Head of Human Resources

Kugahnaesan M Manogaran

Kugahnaesan M Manogaran

Head, People Strategy & Organisational Development

PLUS Malaysia



[Case study]
Flex benefits as an antidote to a one-size-fits-all group insurance plan

Given the rise of a multi-generational workforce and increasing diversity in the workplace, it seems almost impossible to please everybody with standard, one-size-fits-all employee benefits – unless we turn towards flexible or flex benefits.

In this session, let’s discuss:

  • High demand for customised benefits provides a driving impetus for flex: Wellbeing and technology are the top strategic benefits objectives for employers.
  • Flex to become more flexible: Start simple and do not over-complicate.
  • Successful flex programmes to come with education, heavily leveraged on a digitalised platform.
  • Exploring the different major life stages with employees – personalised benefits for a more curated and protected future, as well as promoting the ideology of ‘prevention is better than cure’.
Heena Bose

Heena Bose


Pacific Prime
Aya Alimkulova

Aya Alimkulova

Head of Corporate Sales

Pacific Prime


Networking Lunch


Trivia Time!

Now that the delegates have spent some time networking with each other and hearing from the speakers of the day, it’s time to put the knowledge they have gotten so far to the test. Answer quiz-style questions and take on the other delegates in a time sensitive trivia quiz!


[Lightning talks]
Cash over culture: Strengthening organisational culture through meaningful employee recognition

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, the interplay between financial incentives and cultural cohesion has become a focal point for organisational success. Organisations need to nurture a robust organisational culture through the adoption of people practices for managing change, showing empathy, and building skills.

Stay tuned as two speakers take the stage in quick succession to discussion their philosophies around:

  • How organisations that truly see, hear, and value employees to turn empathy from a buzzword into an impactful, teachable practice for decision makers.
  • An approach to combine proactivity with perseverance, such that change management sees a greater focus on people rather than processes.
  • Ways to encourage the management team to move past traditional methods of leadership, top-down tactics, and “business as usual” mentality.
Tuan Haji Aziph Mustapha

Tuan Haji Aziph Mustapha

Head of Culture & Employee Engagement

Wytinne Cheng

Wytinne Cheng

Regional HR Director (Southeast Asia & Pacific)



[Panel discussion]
Rewriting the prescription for rewards: Shifting the focus of healthcare benefits from reactive to preventative measures  

Ensuring employees are aware of the range of wellness programmes available in their rewards packages, and have easy access to these measures, is key to creating an environment where employees feel incentivised to take charge of their health. To explore this topic further, we dive into this session to understand:  

  • How a framework for holistic healthcare can take into account five pillars of wellbeing: physical, financial, workplace, social, and family wellness.
  • Going beyond medical & insurance coverage to offer incentives or a gamification approach to help employees change their mindsets towards preventative healthcare.
  • Understand deeply and describe simply: Strategies to instil knowledge of available healthcare solutions, as well as equipping line managers for such conversations. 
  • Partner selection criteria: Unlocking value-driven conversations with the vendor ecosystem to brainstorm workforce insights beyond just healthcare data.


Ruth Lee Shu Ting

Ruth Lee Shu Ting

Vice President - Performance and Rewards

Alliance Bank

Louisa John

Louisa John

Head of People, APAC

Adriad Choo Kok Wai

Adriad Choo Kok Wai

HR & Admin Director

Puratos Malaysia
Ashvine Krishnan

Ashvine Krishnan

Group Head of Human Resources

Xamble Group Limited


Afternoon Tea Break


[Leadership Exchange]
The unifying power of total rewards: Creating a future-ready function that creates business impact

With many aspects and functions of HR overlapping and converging, it has become apparent that total rewards is a unifying factor across the many facets of people management. Careful design and optimisation of the total rewards strategy can help organisations validate the role of HR & talent management as engines of business performance.

In this interactive discussion, the audience will hear and be engaged in discussions on:

  • The evolving relationship of total rewards with other human capital functions, and discussing framework to bring about greater synergy.
  • Ways for total rewards professionals to keep growing and developing by speaking the language of the business and contributing to an engaged workforce.
  • The importance of aligning business partnering with rewards best practices, and how this can generate greater growth within organisations.


Zamhari Zaidi

Zamhari Zaidi

General Manager of People

Uzma Group


[Open mic]
Elevating the role of a rewards practitioner for 2024 and beyond

The Open mic is a safe space where all are welcome to share their thoughts and experiences, as the mic is passed around the room. In this high-impact Open mic, we probe how the role of rewards leaders can go beyond shaping and leading the reward strategy to work with the rest of the C-suite. Delegates are welcome to share meaningful ideas on how total rewards practitioners can develop:

  • Better working relationships with CFO for in-depth employee analysis especially in times of restructuring.
  • Stronger working relationships with the CMO for enhancing the branding & communication for rewards to the employee base.
  • Progressive working relationships with the CIO for identifying potential low hanging fruit to benefit from a deeper technology intervention, and to upskill the HR team with working IT knowledge.


Closing Remarks

Aditi Sharma Kalra

Aditi Sharma Kalra


Human Resources Online


End of Total Rewards Asia Summit Malaysia 2024