
DAY 1 | WEDNESDAY, 15 MAY 2024
DAY 2 | THURSDAY, 16 MAY 2024



Welcome address

Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online

[Thought leadership keynote]

Eyes right, left and to the front: The need for HR to remain agile and adaptive
The HR function has evolved from a ‘business enabler’ to a ‘business accelerator’, with a greater purpose to achieve sustainable growth of people and organisational development. As we navigate massive transformative shifts, in this insightful opening keynote, we delve into the urgency for HR reinvention.

  • HR’s role is no longer confined to operational tasks or even tactical programmes – how is HR moving higher up the value chain?
  • Connecting the business agenda to HR initiatives – navigating potential misalignment of global priorities to local/regional level HR
  • Strategies for making a direct impact on sales profitability – in an era where every organisation is grappling with lack of budgets, and lack of time
Mike Chua

Mike Chua

Director of Human Resources

National Trades Union Congress – Administration and Research Unit (NTUC-ARU)
HR leadership evolution

[C-suite conversation]

Fit for purpose HR policies: Creating a conducive, innovative and experiential workplace
The needs of the business and workforce are continuing to change, driven by advances in technology and the current social, geopolitical and economic climate. Rapid adaptability and resilience are no longer just buzzwords but cornerstones for a thriving organisation.

In this session we bring together C-suite people leaders (CEO, CHRO and CMO) to discuss real-life challenges in people management, and how this can contribute to building highly elastic HR policies.

  • Championing diverse work models – managing in-office vs remote and hybrid setups
  • Navigating the talent shortage – how deeply do you build, buy or borrow talent?
  • Multigenerational workforce – managing varied communication styles, learning agilities, values, and expectations
  • It takes a drop to make waves – The role of people leaders in driving the ESG mandate.
Jayaram Philkana

Jayaram Philkana

Global HR Transformation Leader, Crop Protection BU

Gerald Yeo

Gerald Yeo

Marketing Director

Asia Pacific Breweries (A Heineken Company)
Meghna Shukla

Meghna Shukla

Vice President HR, AMEA & Global Commercial Excellence

Barry Callebaut Group
Justin Low

Justin Low

Chief Communications and Talent Experience Officer, APAC

Omnicom Media Group

Morning break


[Lightning talks]

Transforming mindsets: Unlocking the power of personal transformation
It’s easy to make a list of all the things keeping leaders & managers up at night – but it’s a lot harder to identify what we can do about it.

In this Lightning talks session, immerse yourself in stories of personal transformation, as two HR speakers take the stage in quick succession. They will share:

  • Their transformation journey: Lessons learned, milestones achieved, relationships built, and new mindsets & behaviours that are here to stay
  • How they have cultivated a powerful mindset that relies on resilience, optimism, and wellbeing in their personal and professional lives
  • Soaring stress levels: Given the scale and seriousness of burnout, how do we ensure people don’t find it difficult to talk openly about mental health issues?
Bree Campbell

Bree Campbell

Chief People Officer, South East Asia & Pakistan

Shirlyn NG

Shirlyn NG

Director, Human Resources, Asia


[Panel discussion]

Balanced budgeting: Maximising the impact of every dollar we spend
“We just don’t have the budget for it” – if you had a dollar for every time you heard this statement, you might actually have raised enough money for the initiative you had planned!

In this holistic panel discussion, look forward to a CEO, CFO, and CHRO taking the stage to discuss what they do best – money matters. Key takeaways from this conversation include:

  • How C-suite leaders can collaborate to build sustainable business models that impact people’s learning, careers, and experience
  • The importance of being able to speak the language of business, i.e. financial literacy, for C-suite leaders, and how to trickle that down to their teams
  • Decoding the ROI of HR programmes through the C-suite’s lens – the business impact of employee turnover, restructuring, and development
  • Creating business resilience in a world of uncertainty
Iren Fabian

Iren Fabian

APAC Client Solutions Director

Sterling Lexicon
Jackson Ng

Jackson Ng


Azimut Investment Management
Rumana Rahman

Rumana Rahman

Regional Head of Talent, Culture & Inclusion, APMEA

British American Tobacco
Jolene Huang

Jolene Huang

Chief Talent Officer Singapore & Southeast Asia

Publicis Groupe

Networking lunch

Talent management imperatives

[Panel discussion]

A fundamental shift, not a trend: AI empowering talent transformation
AI in HR brings efficiency, objectivity, and personalisation to various functions, such as recruitment, employee onboarding, performance evaluation, and talent development. AI is not just a trend; it’s a transformative force that empowers HR professionals to make better data-driven decisions, boost productivity, and create a more inclusive workplace.

In this session, learn about:

  • IBM’s journey with AI in HR – how IBM has been at the forefront of incorporating AI into HR practices.
  • How AI integration in HR can lead to significant improvements in various HR functions – streamlined processes, enhanced efficiency, objectivity (commitment to diversity and inclusion), and personalisation.
  • The collaboration between human expertise and AI capabilities that will be the key to unlocking the full potential of HR in the digital age.
Aditi Sharma Kalra

Aditi Sharma Kalra


Human Resources Online
Anish Lalchandani

Anish Lalchandani

Global Head of Talent Management

A.P. Moller – Maersk
Tanya Heng

Tanya Heng

Vice President, Human Resources


Vincent Khoo

Vincent Khoo

Strategy & Consulting Practice Leader, HR & Talent Transformation, Consulting


[Case study]

Fit for future or fighting to get fitter? The need to accelerate leadership development
Businesses don’t create value; people do – and leaders and managers play a pivotal role in shaping their experience. They are not only responsible for cascading the organisation’s mission and values but also for creating an environment that nurtures employees.

This is exactly why time and resources need to be invested in leadership development. In this session, we hear from our esteemed HR speaker on:

  • Are we training leaders for the sake of it, or are we really giving them future-proof skills they need to thrive in today’s uncertain realities?
  • Equipping leading with skills to help employees determine their work styles, understand which work styles suit them best, and give feedback on the organisation
  • Learning new ways for leaders to manage hybrid teams and ensure that trust and regular communication takes place to build strong team dynamics
Ajayan Ramachandran

Ajayan Ramachandran

Senior Director, Talent Development

Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific

[Leadership exchange]

Heroic hiring: Modern recruitment strategies that can move your talent pool from ‘surviving’ to ‘thriving’
Given that specialised talent is only available in pockets across Southeast Asia, and a global talent shortage looms over most sectors, it is imperative for employers to enhance brand awareness and outreach to attract the ideal candidate.

In this session, we look into innovative strategies to hire high-quality employees through a series of roundtable discussions across the room. Key discussion items include:

  • How to win the bidding war in a talent-led market – by creating a continuous pipeline of talent and tapped into the ‘hidden’ workforce
  • Investigating what defines ‘best-fit talent’ – going beyond assessing technical know-how to focus more on business skills, human skills, and other soft skills
  • Diversifying the candidate pool by rigourously implementing bias-removal methods, language, and job descriptions throughout the hiring process
Lynn Chua

Lynn Chua

Head of Talent Acquisition – APAC

DP World

Afternoon break


[Panel discussion]

Revamping the EVP: An interplay of experiences, paths, and journeys with and for people
Every organisation has its employee value proposition (EVP) drawn up, but recent experience shows that, for many talented individuals, what truly draws them in is a sense of purpose and belonging. So how we keep the changing expectations of employees in mind while rebuilding the EVP afresh?

Let’s come together for this panel discussion to hear about:

  • Stacking up the new list of priorities – How the landscape of changing employee expectations is forcing employers to reconsider the value they are offering
  • Balancing personalisation with efficiency – Looking into the design of effective programmes for managing talent in this new economic reality
  • Methods to integrate the EVP consistently at every touchpoint throughout the employee lifecycle – from recruitment to onboarding, talent development, and beyond
Parul Malhotra

Parul Malhotra

Sr. Director HR, South East Asia

Helen Snowball

Helen Snowball

Chief People Officer

PropertyGuru Group
Amanda Gervay

Amanda Gervay

Senior Vice President, People and Capability, Asia Pacific

Grace Chang

Grace Chang

Vice President, Human Resources – Talent

Marriott International

[Open Mic]

Igniting inclusivity: What can we do differently to make workplaces more inclusive?
The Open mic is a safe space where all are welcome to share their thoughts and experiences, as the mic is passed around the room. In this high-impact Open mic, we probe inclusive people practices. Delegates are welcome to contribute meaningful ideas around:

  • Ways to become an equal opportunity employer by imbibing inclusion in our values, culture, jobs, structures, and behaviours
  • Is it helpful to have metric to improve the representation of women in the workforce or do they create a check-box mentality?
  • Initiatives that HR can rollout to improve inclusion in the workplace
Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online

Closing address

Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online

End of day one of Talent & Tech Asia Summit 2024

DAY 2 | THURSDAY, 9 MAY 2024



Welcome address

Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online

[Thought leadership keynote]

The great HR makeover: Applying product management principles to HR innovation
Engineering? Marketing? Supply chain? Which function comes to mind when you think of innovation – well, it’s HR’s time to shine. Traditionally having been seen as a process-centric and systems-driven unit, HR is now elevating the employee experience. And one of the ways we can do this effectively is to think like the customer, in this case, the employees.

By embracing product management principles, Changi Airport Group (CAG), a world-class icon of service, has embarked on a journey to transform HR services and foster innovation.

In this thought-provoking keynote session, we will:

  • Explore what led CAG to reimagine HR services through the lens of product management
  • Delve into how ‘product management’ thinking applies to HR, and how it drives obsession with employee experience
  • Discover how the set up of ‘Product Squads’ has enhanced engagement and growth opportunities for teammates in CAG’s People Team
Chong Chan Meng

Chong Chan Meng

Vice President, Organisation Transformation

Changi Airport Group
Transformative technologies

[Case study]

Laying out the red carpet: Welcoming AI with a solid foundation
Digitalisation could be rolled out in a matter of weeks, months or years, depending on how complex or wide-ranging the implementation is. But what we need to keep in mind is, it will not be successful if the basics are not in place.

With many organisations still grappling with untapped data potential, in this session, we discuss the foundational framework of a robust digital HR strategy:

  • Not everything needs to be digitalised: How can we solve business problems such as future-proofing workforce capability through the use of AI for learning
  • How to align your learning strategies, activities, assessments and outcome measures based on the learner requirements using AI
  • Putting in place a comprehensive strategy determining the ownership of the initiative, as well as the governance & ethical policies involved
Raman Sidhu

Raman Sidhu

Group Head of Learning Operations


Morning break


[Panel discussion]

Applications of generative AI in HR: Employee experience, learning, and talent marketplace
With its ability to ‘think’ and create brand-new outputs, generative AI is set to transform the nature of jobs, by replacing manual and repetitive tasks. However, HR leaders have the opportunity to go above and beyond to ensure generative AI is being used to deliver higher-value work.

In this panel discussion, let us identify the appropriate use cases for AI in organisations:

  • Uncovering the process of validating the suitability and identifying the business case for inclusion of generative AI in each context
  • Anecdotal sharing on how HR leaders are using generative AI presently to leapfrog their employee experience, learning culture, and talent marketplace
  • Finding the balance between supercharging human capabilities through generative AI and improving productivity for the business overall
Cyl Lin

Cyl Lin

Human Resources Director & APJ HR Business Partner, MDC & Analytics

Tech Data APAC
Aloysius Sim

Aloysius Sim

Regional Head of Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding for ASEAN

Ng Kian Khar

Ng Kian Khar

VP People Technologies & Transformation

Justin Ong

Justin Ong


Panasonic Asia Pacific


Investing in the future: The OCBC story of workforce transformation at scale with AI-powered growth companion MOBI
Given the trends that we’re seeing – disruption and the acceleration of technology-led changes in the workplace – it is imperative for organisations to invest in their workforce to be more resilient and keep up with the changing landscape.

OCBC Bank is investing S$30mn over the next three years to help employees progress in their careers and prepare them for future disruptions.

In this keynote session, discover how OCBC’s AI-powered career growth companion, MOBI, revolutionises employee development and talent transformation at scale. We’ll delve into its features, benefits, and how it fosters a culture of continuous learning, skills-first growth, and mobility.

  • Understand how the AI-powered career growth companion works – the role of the HR team in conceptualising and rolling out
  • Gain real-world examples of how MOBI is transforming career trajectories in OCBC
  • Learn how providing personalised opportunities for career exposure, mentorship, growth, and mobility can engage and retain employees
Dr Jennifer Tan

Dr Jennifer Tan

Managing Director and Head, Workforce Transformation


Networking lunch



Move aside, traditional talent retention strategies: Developing future-proof talent pools
As jobs and competencies are being replaced by a skills-driven approach, traditional talent management has been turned on its head. Employee development is no longer a linear path but a zigzag one, while employee retention is no longer about tenures but about engagement.

Against this backdrop, we explore the importance of upskilling through:

  • How the move from jobs-based roles to skill-based roles is resetting the way we define work, productivity, and career growth
  • Accelerating the realignment of talent priorities to the new reality – re-looking at organisation design, talent profiles, and factors that build a learning culture
  • Identifying ways to ensure that instead of just relying on HR to lead these efforts, all stakeholders are involved in shaping and driving workforce upskilling and redeployment
Anish Lalchandani

Anish Lalchandani

Global Head of Talent Management

A.P. Moller – Maersk
The human upgrade

[Panel discussion]

Overhauling mindsets for AI adoption: Balancing a plug-and-play vs push-comes-to-shove approach
According to a survey, the top three things that are hindering successful AI adoption for businesses are limited AI skills, expertise or knowledge (34%), the price is too high (29%), and lack of tools or platforms to develop models (25%).

What survey data doesn’t often show is the story behind the numbers – anecdotal evidence points to ‘mindsets’ and ‘adoption anxiety’ being the top barriers. So, in this session, we look forward to a robust conversation around:

  • How we can address the human-centric concerns holding back the adoption of AI – mindsets, fear of job loss, change anxiety
  • Reskilling requirements: Putting in place programmes to equip individuals with the skills needed for new roles that emerge alongside AI technologies
  • Human-tech collaboration: Consciously defining and optimising a system for the collaboration between humans and AI systems, in a way that complements human skills
Isha Majithia Bhatia

Isha Majithia Bhatia

Global Career Experience Lead

Standard Chartered Bank
Subhankar Roy Chowdhury

Subhankar Roy Chowdhury

Executive Director & Head HR – Asia Pacific & Japan

Hanyan Goh

Hanyan Goh

Director, National AI Group and Smart Nation Strategy Office

Ministry of Communications and Information
Debbie Ng

Debbie Ng

Senior Director, People & Culture

Singapore Pools

[Leadership exchange]

Don’t press delete: Revamping career frameworks while redesigning low-value roles
How roles will evolve once AI becomes as rooted as the furniture in the office is one of the biggest areas of talent transformation underway. It is expected that more and more bandwidth will be freed up for higher value work, enabling the workforce to focus on the work for which professionals’ skills will be more valuable.

How organisations will update their job descriptions and career competencies framework to reflect this new era is what we will discuss in this Leadership exchange, where talkpoints include:

  • Ways to restructure job descriptions towards higher-value work that requires human creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and EQ
  • Opportunities to train the workforce on complex ethical and social issues that AI may struggle with
  • Anticipating the expectations of Gen Z, the newest entrants to the workforce, given that entry-level roles are expected to either be cut, or made more complex
Baohe Lin

Baohe Lin

Vice President, Human Resources, International Business

Singapore Post

Afternoon break


[Case study]

Boosting employee experience: The power of people analytics and talent intelligence

Establishing predictive HR analytics capabilities is like playing a game of chess – you have the view of the game, you can line up your resources, conduct scenario planning, think two to three steps ahead, and thereafter make a strategic move while anticipating the next business development.

With this in mind, in this riveting case study session, we put the spotlight on:

  • Bringing together dashboards that can help make talent decisions, reduce attrition rates, increase hiring accuracy, and improve employee engagement
  • Implementing the mindset shift and upskilling required for the entire organisation to move to a data-driven culture
  • Gainfully utilising the key drivers of workforce motivation to develop an impactful employee retention programme
Bhawna Bakshi

Bhawna Bakshi

Global Talent Experience Lead


Closing address

Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online

End of Talent & Tech Asia Summit 2024