
DAY 2 | THURSDAY | 4 JULY 2023



Opening address

Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online



[Fireside Chat]
Igniting inclusivity: What can we do differently to make workplaces more inclusive?

Creating inclusive workplaces has become a critical focus for organisations striving to foster a diverse and equitable environment. The concept of inclusivity goes beyond diversity; it ensures that every individual, regardless of their background, feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute fully to the organisation. Despite significant progress, many workplaces still struggle with inclusivity, facing challenges such as unconscious bias, lack of representation, and systemic barriers.

Here are the insights you may look forward to during this discussion:

  • Ways to become an equal opportunity employer by imbibing inclusion in our values, culture, jobs, structures, and behaviours.
  • Making a business case for the promotion of diverse and inclusive workplaces that have been shown to drive innovation and enhance decision-making.
  • Deeming the true effectiveness of creating accountability metrics and goals within organisations to improve representation of different demographics in the workplace.
  • Initiatives that HR can ideally rollout to improve inclusion in the workplace if they had unlimited time and resources.


Archana Srinivasan

Archana Srinivasan

HR Director

Eleana Choy

Eleana Choy

Chief People Officer

Swire Shipping


[Panel discussion]
Aligning pay transparency with benchmarking: Maintaining equity in a hybrid work environment

No talent or organisation wants to be part of a wage war which leaves both parties with less room to negotiate or have a conversation. What today’s society does need is leaders who are sensitive to individual needs and circumstances. This is more so in Asia, where the concept of ‘pay transparency’ is layered with gender advocacy, cultural norms, and mindsets.

This conversation will aim to provide insights into:

  • Aligning the necessity for establishing internal equity standards with the calls for greater pay transparency in a way that matches the organisational culture & goals.
  • How to put a dollar value against the skills & experiences of each employee in order to assess human capital better.
  • Analysing the approaches to make data-driven compensation benchmarking decisions rather than relying on unfair and outdated practices.
  • Forward-facing methods for establishing salary data reliance and validity that tally with market & industry standards, and contribute to building company culture.
  • Setting up accessible yet centralised benefits avenues that provide equitable opportunities for recognition to all employees, regardless of hybrid/in-person setups.


Aayush Sikhwal

Aayush Sikhwal

Global Lead of Total Rewards

Tina Sharma

Tina Sharma

Head of Human Resources

Hong Leong Bank
Simon Chapman

Simon Chapman




Morning coffee break


[Leadership Exchange]
Making ‘work from anywhere’ a reality: Considerations for adapting your rewards strategy

It is essential for employers of all sizes to create flexibility and bandwidth in remote working strategies, where it’s for a hybrid setup or a work-from-anywhere framework.

Let us get together and discuss:

  • Strategies to inculcate a rewards framework for hybrid or remote working opportunities within traditional work models
  • How organisations can monitor productivity and development needs of their remote-working employees as well as in-office employees.
  • Other considerations such as cost-of-living variations or local leadership nuances to keep in mind.
Tommy Loy

Tommy Loy

Head of People and Capability

Kmart & Target Australia Sourcing Asia


[Keynote session]

Tackling the key drivers influencing employer-sponsored health insurance costs

Most studies peg the year-on-year costs of employer-sponsored healthcare in Southeast Asia increasing by close to 10% or more in 2024. As medical plan costs continue to rise, health and wellbeing costs are leading to unexpected or unbudgeted cost increases and making affordability more difficult for both employers and employees. It’s time to take stock of healthcare expenditure and medical inflation, so in this session, we will identify:

  • Data around the most alarming medical conditions driving insurance costs for employers.
  • The drivers of regional differences in healthcare costs, and the ways in which these increases can be mitigated to better navigate volatility.
  • How to optimise insights around claims utilisation to create a culture that is focused on preventive rather than reactive health measures.
Dr. Myralini Santhira Thesan

Dr. Myralini Santhira Thesan

Medical Director, Group Healthcare

AIA Group

Kevin Ho

Kevin Ho

Director of Health & Wellness Partner Management, Group Healthcare

AIA Group


Networking Lunch


[Networking session]
Reward yourself
Straight after lunch, let’s get refreshed through this facilitated networking session designed to re-energise you as well as expand your professional network. Don’t miss this opportunity to build relationships and gain perspectives from your peers!


[Lightning Talks]

Legal clinic: Navigating the guidelines on flexible work arrangement requests that will take effect on 1 December 2024

As the Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests (TG-FWAR) come into effect in December this year, they are expected to shape the norms and expectations around FWAs; namely, how employees should request formal FWAs and use them, and how employers and supervisors should handle FWA requests.

The insights shared in this legal-themed session will include: 

  • Shifts in company culture and values that can be adopted to ready organisations for the anticipated changes following the implementation of TG-FWAR.
  • Tackling the challenges and roadblocks that have hindered progress on FWAs so far.
  • Optimally utilising the thinking and approach behind the ‘return to office’ vs the ‘remote working’ philosophies.
  • Organisational policies and best practices that should be adopted ahead of the implementation of TG-FWAR to ease the transition process.
Dawn Wong

Dawn Wong

Head of People & Experience, APAC

Vayner Media
Zhao Yang Ng

Zhao Yang Ng

Local Principal

Baker McKenzie Singapore



[Leadership exchange]
Rewards as a leverage of talent attraction and retention: The new rules of employee loyalty

Gone are the days where retention bonuses or matching the competitor’s salary package were the #1 ways to attract and retain talent. With a more purpose-driven workforce in place, many have stopped linking their job with money, but rather with ‘value’ – the value they generate for themselves, their families, and the society.

As such, rewards & recognition have been elevated for their contribution in engaging talent. In this session, facilitated by an experienced HR leader, let’s come around and identify:

  • How the composition of the rewards & recognition package has evolved to include career development, regular performance alignment, talent exchange programmes, and upskilling.
  • Best practices for aligning employer branding efforts with the cultural and business values of each organisation.
  • Creating a strong communication loop that ensures open & timely feedback, avenues for appreciation, and project-based developmental opportunities.
Anya Loh

Anya Loh

Head of HR, APAC

Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions


Afternoon Tea Break


[Fireside Chat]

Employee recognition: Innovating total rewards for the modern workforce

Growing numbers of companies are reshaping their total rewards strategies, and employee recognition is playing a profoundly important role in this transformation. This session delves deep into the heart of this revolution, exploring innovative, people-centered strategies; intuitive, integrated technologies; and forward-thinking methodologies that will shape how companies view and treat total rewards in the future.

This case study will appeal to attendees seeking insights into:

  • The role employee recognition can play as part of an effective total rewards strategy.
  • Exploring effective techniques for integrating recognition into the everyday employee experience that enhances employee engagement and retention.
  • Why integrating recognition into the everyday employee experience is a critical driver of culture change.
  • Different methods of measuring the return on investment in your employee recognition programme.
  • Meeting the needs and expectations of a multi-generational workforce.
Jingying Li

Jingying Li

SVP Global Reward

Suntory Beverage & Food
Russell Flint

Russell Flint

Director Business Development, APAC 

O.C. Tanner


[Lightning talks]
Upskilling as the most in-demand benefit: The percolation of skills-powered rewards programmes 

As we emerge from a wintery economic climate that entailed restructuring across various sectors, what the workforce wants is to future-proof themselves so as to escape any further jolts. This, in addition to intrinsic motivation, is creating a demand of professional development opportunities among workers.

Stay tuned as two speakers take the stage in quick succession to discussion their philosophies around:

  • The means to implement skills-based talent approaches, such as building a skills inventory, redesigning job descriptions, aligning KPIs, and defining success metrics.
  • How leaders can overcome challenges around skills-based rewards, including data silos, mismatch around skills classifications, and differing managerial expectations.
  • Creating an innate culture of training-for-the-future by preparing employees for future roles and responsibilities.
  • Determining the frequency and nuances of conducting skills-based assessments and using this data to adapt compensation models.
  • How organisations can leverage technology to provide flexible, accessible, and personalised learning experiences for employees of all ages and backgrounds.
Jennifer Loh Drysdale-Banks

Jennifer Loh Drysdale-Banks

Global Human Resources Director

Gulf Oil Marine
Gary Lee

Gary Lee

Organisation and Business Partner Director

Dassault Systèmes


Closing address

Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online


End of day one

DAY 2 | THURSDAY | 4 JULY 2023




Welcome Remarks

Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online



[Thought leadership keynote]

The psychology of rewards: Peeling back the layers on employee motivation and incentivisation

There is a complex interplay between workforce motivation and the psychological perspective of rewarding employees. While we agree on the importance of nailing one’s values & drivers to reward them in a way they find truly ‘meaningful’, other workplace challenges remain.

In this special session, attendees can deepen their understanding of the psychological nuances of motivation, such as: 

  • The evolution in human behaviour across generations, and how this has impacted organisational dynamics.
  • The psychological implications of recognising and rewarding high-performing talent, and how this affects perceptions of equity and increased performance expectations among employees.
  • How leaders & people managers can navigate the delicate balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in fostering employee engagement.
  • Strategies for incentivising psychological resilience, agility, and a high level of adaptability to change.
Hiroshi Limmell

Hiroshi Limmell

Senior Assistant Director, Organisation Culture & Employee Wellbeing

A*STAR – Agency for Science, Technology and Research


[Panel discussion]
Redefining the onus of workplace wellness: Empowering employee welfare, not enabling it

With increased pressures for organisations to take on a greater proportion of their employees’ welfare costs, company leaders will need to reevaluate their strategies towards employee welfare in the workplace. These steps need to be taken to more clearly define the boundaries between personal responsibility and organisational responsibility towards employee welfare. Those who attend this panel can look forward to discussions on:

  • A framework for organisations on creating conducive environments and ecosystems where employees feel empowered to take care of themselves.
  • How organisations can and should define the boundaries of this redefined shared responsibility clearly and effectively; and how this communication can go a long way in promoting a sense of transparency and equity across all job levels and departments.
  • Creating wellbeing champions in the workplace to better understand the needs and desires of employees; and how long-term wellbeing solutions can be tailored.
Tay Jin Li

Tay Jin Li

Head of AIA Vitality & Product Proposition

AIA Singapore
Gayatheri Silvakumer

Gayatheri Silvakumer

Vice President, People & Culture

Star Alliance
Jing Ping Tan

Jing Ping Tan

Total Rewards Director

Otis Elevator Co.
Annie Lim

Annie Lim

Senior Director, Head of Human Resources

Lonza Biologics


Morning coffee break


[Panel discussion]

Restructuring the EVP: Incorporating rewards valued by Gen Z and Millennial employees

Fuelled by a ‘passion-driven’ workforce, where job security is no longer the primary focus, but doing meaningful work is, understanding the aspirations of generational demographics remains paramount. In this panel discussion, you can look forward to the panellists & moderator analysing: 

  • EVP refresh: How employers are rethinking job scopes, total rewards, and redefining the concept of ‘careers’ to win the talent war.
  • Ways to ‘slay’ talent practices for the youngest working generations in light of their technology dependence and savviness.
  • ‘Squad goals’: Multi-generation workforce management approaches that create a workplace driven by respect, inclusivity, and harmony.
  • Is there an opportunity for HR leaders to incorporate a ‘green budget’ in helping employees living sustainable lifestyles?
Leo Caballes

Leo Caballes

Head of Performance & Reward (Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa)

Andrew Sam

Andrew Sam

Global TA Director

Ray Chua

Ray Chua

Senior Director, Human Resources (SEA, Hong Kong & Shenzhen)

KLA Corporation



[Leadership Exchange]]
Tech-infused talent management: Harnessing transformative tools for a happier workforce

Inspiring leadership, growth opportunities, meaningful work, and a healthy culture – these are often considered key to successful employee engagement. And in Singapore’s vibrant economy, engaged employees continue to be the #1 source of driving productivity. So how can employers boost employee engagement to deliver better business outcomes?

Join us for an interactive leadership exchange led by Lorraine Ng, Regional Head, Grab For Business, where we delve into the role of technology in enhancing employee experience (EX) and discuss the challenges that HR & people leaders are facing in implementing tech-powered human capital strategies.

Through group discussions and shared insights, this session aims to provide actionable takeaways that can be implemented in your own organisations to foster a more engaged and productive workforce.


Namrata Goyal

Namrata Goyal

Regional Manager – Key Accounts

Grab For Business


Networking Lunch


[Panel discussion]
Rewriting the prescription for rewards: Shifting the focus of healthcare benefits from reactive to preventative measures  

Ensuring employees are aware of the range of wellness programmes available in their rewards packages, and have easy access to these measures, is key to creating an environment where employees feel incentivised to take charge of their health. To explore this topic further, we dive into this session to understand:  

  • How a framework for holistic healthcare can take into account five pillars of wellbeing: physical, financial, workplace, social, and family wellness.
  • Going beyond medical & insurance coverage to offer incentives or a gamification approach to help employees change their mindsets towards preventative healthcare.
  • Understand deeply and describe simply: Strategies to instil knowledge of available healthcare solutions, as well as equipping line managers for such conversations. 
  • Partner selection criteria: Unlocking value-driven conversations with the vendor ecosystem to brainstorm workforce insights beyond just healthcare data.
Michele Loh

Michele Loh

Head of Compensation & Benefits

Pacific International Lines

Yvonne Tan

Yvonne Tan

Chief People Officer Southeast Asia

Monica Divik Agarwal

Monica Divik Agarwal

Head of HR

MoneyHero Group
Haider Amir

Haider Amir

Director, Asia

TELUS Health


[Fireside chat]
Enhancing humanity through technology: Leveraging AI for the development of "soft" skills in demand

In tandem with the leaps and bounds in the development and application of AI processes, the USPs of the human workforce have become our ability to communicate effectively and develop niche skills that are irreplaceable by AI.

In this fireside chat, take this opportunity to learn about how AI can be harnessed to develop the required skills that set us apart from the same AI processes that many fear may make us obsolete.

Insights shared during this session will include:

  • Why “soft skills” are coming to the forefront of focus in hiring trends, and how the current workforces need to re-evaluate their perspectives towards such skills.
  • How AI can be utilised to refine our communications skills and identify areas of improvement and development.
  • A strategic framework for using AI to track ongoing progress of employees’ skills development and performance.
Han Ngi Juan

Han Ngi Juan

General Manager & Training Evangelist 

Yokogawa Electric International


Global Director, People & Culture



[Case study]
It's okay to not be okay: A story of leadership, mental health, and survival

HR and rewards professionals have a wealth of tools and strategies to support the workforce with health & wellness issues, proactively as well as reactively. But do they often use these resources themselves? Certainly, not enough.

In this personal storytelling, our speaker takes the stage to keynote, to remind all leaders about:

  • Bravery: The importance of finding the courage to talk about one’s own troubles, and to accept them within the peer community.
  • Purpose: Addressing the norms, language, and behaviours associated with those undergoing mental health challenges.
  • Empowerment: Personal leadership strategies that have helped our speaker face and overcome the moments of panic, demotivation, and helplessness.


Uday Burra

Uday Burra

Head of Care – APJ



Afternoon Tea Break


[Fireside chat]
Roles of the future: Accelerating leadership & managerial awareness on leveraging compensation smartly

Most leaders & managers understand why rewards are important – but do they truly grasp the ‘how’ and ‘when’ of using rewards most effectively and to their advantage? In this coaching-style session, we brainstorm on the most effective ways to impact knowledge about the rewards strategy to your most important stakeholder – people managers. Key takeaways will include:

  • Effective strategies to build leadership awareness on external and internal trends that impact compensation decisions, and how to communicate these better.
  • Skills to hone for holding difficult but transparent discussions about business needs, individual asks, and crafting a path for getting people where they want to be.
  • How a rewards oversight team or CoE can be established internally so as to support people managers with timely market intelligence, data analytics, and anticipate shifts in employee preferences and organisational dynamics.
Lee U-jin

Lee U-jin

International HR Vice President

NCR Atleos
Molly Ang

Molly Ang

Vice President, Global Rewards

Seagate Technology


[Open mic]
Cash over culture: Strengthening organisational culture through meaningful employee recognition

The Open mic is a safe space where all are welcome to share their thoughts and experiences, as the mic is passed around the room. In this high-impact Open mic, we probe people practices for managing change, showing empathy, and building skills. Delegates are welcome to contribute meaningful ideas around:

  • How organisations that truly see, hear, and value employees to turn empathy from a buzzword into an impactful, teachable practice for decision makers.
  • An approach to combine proactivity with perseverance, such that change management sees a greater focus on people rather than processes.
  • Ways to encourage the management team to move past traditional methods of leadership, top-down tactics, and “business as usual” mentality.


Closing Remarks

Priya Sunil

Priya Sunil

Deputy Editor, Southeast Asia

Human Resources Online


End of Day 2